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  • Chemical pesticides for controlling common insect pests in vegetables

    Chemical pesticides for controlling common insect pests in vegetables

    Chemical pesticides for controlling common insect pests in vegetables

  • Management Technology of Full-fruiting Period of Long Jujube in Lingwu

    Management Technology of Full-fruiting Period of Long Jujube in Lingwu

    Lingwu long jujube full fruit management technology Lingwu long jujube fruit color, meat thick, crisp, sour taste, unique flavor, rich in various minerals and vitamins. Since 2008, Lingwu City has successfully introduced Lingwu jujube in solar greenhouse.

  • Planting time of green beans

    Planting time of green beans

    Planting time of green beans

  • Planting techniques of pollution-free Salvia miltiorrhiza

    Planting techniques of pollution-free Salvia miltiorrhiza

    1. Scope this standard is applicable to pollution-free production of Salvia miltiorrhiza in open field in Hebei Province. This standard stipulates the environmental and technical conditions, fertilizer use principles and requirements, production management and other measures for pollution-free Salvia miltiorrhiza per hm2 per unit yield 4500kg~5200kg. two。 Pollution-free production management measures

    2020-11-08 Pollution-free Salvia miltiorrhiza planting technology scope Ben standard
  • Technical requirements for standardized cultivation of Sophora tonkinensis

    Technical requirements for standardized cultivation of Sophora tonkinensis

    Technical requirements for standardized cultivation of Sophora tonkinensis L. Basic requirements for environmental conditions of origin 1. The first factory shall comply with GB/T 18407.1. 2 Growing environment 2...

  • Variety Resources of Begonia and cultivation techniques for Disease and Pest Control

    Variety Resources of Begonia and cultivation techniques for Disease and Pest Control

    Begonia is the general and common name of many plants of the genus Malus and several plants of the genus papaya. The main plants of the genus Malus are gorgeous Begonia, Diamond Begonia, Kells Begonia, Powder Roof Begonia, Plateau Fire Begonia, Adam Begonia, Ruby Begonia and Winter Red Fruit Begonia.

  • Production technology of Wugong Bupleurum

    Production technology of Wugong Bupleurum

    Bupleurum: Bupleurum is the root of Bupleurum chinense DC (Umbelliferae). It tastes bitter, pungent and slightly cold. Return to the liver and gallbladder meridians. It has the functions of evacuating and relieving fever, soothing the liver and relieving depression, rising yang and lifting depression. It is mainly used for cold and fever, cold and heat, chest pain and menstruation.

    2020-11-08 Wugong Bupleurum production Technology for Umbrella Family Plant
  • Study on High-yield cultivation techniques of Lycium barbarum L. in Korea

    Study on High-yield cultivation techniques of Lycium barbarum L. in Korea

    1 variety characteristics Korean Zhengjian Chinese wolfberry has large grains, red color, thick meat and soft texture, with a sugar content of 11.3%, 3.3% and 4.3% higher than that of Ningxia wolfberry. It has wide adaptability, tolerance to drought, barren and low temperature, and has the advantages of early fruit, high yield, excellent quality, short cycle and quick effect. (2) cultivation technique 2.1 fine soil preparation. The application of foot fertilizer Lycium barbarum has wide adaptability and does not have strict requirements on soil, but planting on low-lying plots should be avoided as far as possible. Usually in late February and early March.

  • Pollution-free production and cultivation techniques of eggplant in greenhouse

    Pollution-free production and cultivation techniques of eggplant in greenhouse

    1. Pollution-free cultivation technique of eggplant in early spring in greenhouse the eggplant was cultivated in early December in Bozhou area and planted in spring early greenhouse in mid-February. 1.1 the climatic characteristics of selecting excellent disease-resistant varieties are as follows: weak light, low temperature, temperature and light after planting.

  • Quick-freezing Technology of Shrimp for Export

    Quick-freezing Technology of Shrimp for Export

    1. Process raw material acceptance → raw material storage → raw material thawing → peeling shrimp → acceptance → cleaning → soaking → green → cooling → sub-specification → frozen → package ice → metal detection → box → refrigerated transportation 2, operation points 2.1 raw material acceptance QC (quality control team) should check the quality to prevent black shrimp. If you find black shrimp, you should timely feedback to the importer to deal with. And make the "raw material acceptance record" of each batch of raw materials. 2.2 Raw material storage is stored according to the container batch number, in

  • Management techniques of Ivy protected cultivation and Control of Diseases and insect pests

    Management techniques of Ivy protected cultivation and Control of Diseases and insect pests

    Some people will ask, what is ivy? In fact, many friends have seen ivy, sometimes outside will see the wall covered with a kind of plant, in fact, this is ivy. Today, I'm going to talk to you about ivy cutting propagation technology and ivy facility cultivation management, pest control.

  • Cultivation methods of Lycium barbarum L. for leaves

    Cultivation methods of Lycium barbarum L. for leaves

    The main results are as follows: 1 soil adaptability Lycium barbarum has strong adaptability to soil and can grow in drought, sand famine and saline-alkali soil, but the growth of semi-alkaline soil with deep, loose, fertile and good drainage is the best. (2) the propagation mode of Lycium barbarum is easy to reproduce, sowing,

    2020-11-08 Leaf Chinese wolfberry cultivation methods soil adaptability yes
  • Culture method of Fugui fruit

    Culture method of Fugui fruit

    Fertilization: seedling height 10cm topdressing organic fertilizer, or mixed application of 0.1% urea and 0.1% potassium dihydrogen phosphate. Humidity: spray more and less, 3-4 times a day in spring, 2-3 times a day in autumn, and 1-2 times in summer. Lighting: fluorescent lamp irradiation basically meets the growth needs, avoid exposure. Temperature

    2020-11-08 Rich Fruit Culture method Abstract fertilization Seedling height 10cm
  • Control of main Diseases and insect pests in planting Cherry

    Control of main Diseases and insect pests in planting Cherry

    Cherry brown rot is mainly harmful to flowers and fruits, causing flower rot and fruit rot. At the initial stage of the disease, the flower organ gradually turns brown until it dries up; in the later stage, a layer of grayish brown powder is formed in the disease part, and the young fruit begins to occur 10 days after falling flowers, and small light brown spots are formed on the fruit surface gradually.

    2020-11-08 Species cherry main plant diseases and insect pests control brown rot disease
  • The latest seed price and planting method of cabbage

    The latest seed price and planting method of cabbage

    Cabbage is one of the most important vegetables in China, also known as lotus white, cabbage, cabbage and so on. It is an annual or biennial herb of Brassica cruciferae. Its varieties are originated from the coast of the Mediterranean Sea to the North Sea and are cultivated as vegetables or fodder in various parts of our country.

    2020-11-10 The latest cabbage seed price and planting method is
  • Technical specification for harmless treatment of sick and dead animals issued by the Ministry of Agriculture

    Technical specification for harmless treatment of sick and dead animals issued by the Ministry of Agriculture

    Animal husbandry and veterinary departments (bureaus, commissions, offices) of provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government and cities separately listed on the State plan, and the Agricultural Bureau of Xinjiang production and Construction Corps: in order to further standardize the operation technology of harmless treatment of sick and dead animals, effectively prevent and control major animal diseases and ensure

    2015-12-26 Ministry of Agriculture about printing " death animals innocuity treatment
  • How to control cyclamen diseases and insect pests

    How to control cyclamen diseases and insect pests

    (1) root knot nematode disease. The nematode invades the root of the seedling and grows many nodules large and small on the main root and lateral root. The nematode sucks the juice in the tumor, causing the fine root to be swollen and rot, and the aboveground part withered. Control method: disinfect the soil before ① planting, stir-fry the soil in an iron pan for 40 minutes.

  • Technical measures to prevent secondary cocoons of silkworm, Bombyx mori

    Technical measures to prevent secondary cocoons of silkworm, Bombyx mori

    Raising silkworms and choosing high-yield and high-quality cocoons is the key to high yield and harvest. In the process of sericulture, many factors will produce many cocoons and reduce the benefit of sericulture. In order to avoid the occurrence of secondary cocoons, increase the cocoon rate and reduce the secondary cocoon rate are important links to further increase the economic benefits of sericulture households. The related technical points of preventing secondary cocoons are briefly introduced as follows: 1 strengthening the feeding and management of 1.1 small silkworms are covered with plastic film, which can not only keep the mulberry leaves fresh, but also promote the larvae to like to eat, which is beneficial to the larvae to eat and lift.

  • What are the pests of potted flowers and how to prevent them?

    What are the pests of potted flowers and how to prevent them?

    What are the pests of potted flowers and how to prevent them?

  • Management of cultivation techniques of muskmelon in open field

    Management of cultivation techniques of muskmelon in open field

    1. Producing conditions: 1.1.The lowest temperature for muskmelon is 15 ℃, the optimum temperature is 18 ℃-32 ℃, and the effective accumulated temperature of ≥ 15 ℃ for the whole growth period is more than 1500 ℃. 1.2 soil conditions, the soil layer is deep, the ph value is 7.0-8.0, the soil salt content is less than 0.3%, and the texture is soil.
